Monday, November 13, 2017

Monipuolista osaamista omien projektien kautta -

Monipuolista osaamista omien projektien kautta - Musiikista, kuvaamisesta ja valotekniikasta kiinnostunut Eerik Lappalainen on yhdistänyt lukio-opintoihinsa onnistuneesti omat harrastuksensa ja mielenkiin

Kansainvälistymismahdollisuudet ja kielten opetus avaavat ovia maailmalle -

Kansainvälistymismahdollisuudet ja kielten opetus avaavat ovia maailmalle - Emmiina Kulmala opiskelee Karstulan lukiossa viimeistä vuottaan. Opintojensa aikana hän on opiskellut paljon kieliä sekä ottanut osaa kansainvälisyyshankke

Jääkiekkolinja yhdistää lukio-opinnot ja jääkiekon -

Jääkiekkolinja yhdistää lukio-opinnot ja jääkiekon - Varkaudesta kotoisin oleva Jacob Kohvakka opiskelee Karstulan lukiossa jääkiekkolinjalla. Linja mahdollistaa jääkiekon yhdistämisen osaksi muita lukio-opin

Monday, May 15, 2017

On thursday we visited at liceo Scientifico. There we had some sport activities and conference about drugs. At sport activities we tested archery and played table tennis, tennis and handball. In conference was very excited athmosphere, but most of the students learn something.

In the afternoon we had free time and everyone did what they did. In the evening we went to Letizia's countryside house and evreyone had fun there.

Wednesday 26.4. We visited at liceo Artistico. There students shown us some images and different techniques. Then we started to draw some flowers with our italian partners. Students drew very fantastic looking flowers.

After visiting at school, students went by the traditional train to department store Etnapolis. Teachers went by car. Etnapolis was bigger than Finnish department stores. Firstly, when we arrived to Etnapolis everyone went to McDonalds. At Etnapolis everyone did shopping in different groups and we had great time there.

Day in Catania

Friday we spent day in Catania. We went to one museum where was Andy Warhol's art show. After that we went to watch Escher's art show. 

We had few hours free time and we went shopping and eating. When we arrived back to Bronte, we spent the evening together at Giada's country house. 

Veera and Kaisla

Day in Randazzo

On tuesday we spent the whole day in Randazzo. We went there in the morning with our host-families. Randazzo was about 20 minutes away from Bronte. In Randazzo we went to see a lot of museums. We went to eat to someone's summer house. There were a lot of different food options. The food was good. In there we also sang some songs and talked to each other. 

After eating we went back to the centre of Randazzo to see few more museums. We visited a musical museum. There was a presentation about different nature sounds. Then we left back to Bronte. 

When we got back to Bronte we went to a cafeteria. We hung out there and we were very hungry because was nothing to eat. But then just before leaving we got pizza. Then some of us went back to home and some of us went to the square to hang out and play card games. It was a rough but nice day.